I am an Associate Professor at the Econometric Institute of the Erasmus School of Economics. I am affiliated with the Tinbergen Institute, ERIM, and the CESifo Institute.

Before joining Erasmus, I was a post-doc at the Economics Faculty in Cambridge and an Economist at the UK Debt Management Office and at the research department of De Nederlandsche Bank. I have a PhD from the University of Cambridge and an undergrad degree from Humboldt University Berlin.

The long shadow of GDPR:
For ESE specific emails: pick@ese.eur.nl
All other emails: andreas.pick@cantab.net

Office Address:
Department of Econometrics
Erasmus School of Economics, PO Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Office: ET-40
Tel.: +31 (0)10 408 2819

At home (some time ago):